-Paisley's First Birthday-
All I can say is WOW! One already! How time flys by. You really have to to grab a hold of each moments with your kids. I am so blessed to have such an amazing family. I could not ask for a better life. God blessed me with everything I ever asked for! An amazing family along with my loving husband. Ryley and I have it all. Two amazing beautiful daughters who we love more than anything in this world. It has been so touching to watch our girls grow up together, watch their relationship grow strong and founder! They are the best of friends, always laughing and giggling. The sound of their laughter together is priceless!!!!
Paisley's Princess Party!
After all my hard work and long hours into Paisleys birthday I surprisingly was very happy with the results. I mean we could of had better weather for all the bubble this we got. But it was PERFECT just the way it turned out! I had this amazing Idea to make each of the girls their own tutu! What an adventure that was! I thought it would be a sinch! Boy oh boy was I wrong. It also probably would have helped if i wasn't such a procrastinator! But they turned out super cute and I was very Happy with the end results! The girls had a blast with "Princess Dress-ups" UNTIL.... They realized how itchy the tutu's were! Ireland really struggled with it the most! She just couldn't figure the dang thing out! If it wasn't itching her, then it was in her way of crawling. She is quite the little mover now! I was preparing MaKylee For Paisley's birthday for a couple weeks, letting her know that it was PAISLEY'S BIRTHDAY and PARTY. At first she didnt really like the "whole" idea. " But I just want it to be my birthday mom, not Paisleys." She actually now LOVES when its Paisley's birthday now. Well wouldnt you? She had a blast at the party, she enjoyed it the most. I would have to say she she enjoyed all Paisley's new toys the best. Somehow she seems to think they are more her toys than Paisleys! Paisley was so cut! For the most part happy and cheerful, she was a little sleepy due to no nap! But she still had fun. Still attached to me the whole time! She is a Momma's girl! She enjoyed eating her 1st hot dog! yum yum yum! With opening gifts... Her favorite part??? The ribbon ! If I would have only known! We should have just got her boxes full of curly ribbon! Now the whole cake buisness.... First. I have to thank my amazing wonderful talented Mother- in- law! Thank you thank you thank you! You always do such amazing work! We love you and thank you for ALL you do for us! Second. Paisley was not a big fan of the whole first time cake experiance. Third... Bummer for us! But we still love you Paisley! At the end of the night .... Everything was perfect!
Here's some pictures: